2024-04-24 08:05 (수)
Easy and Fun English <34>
Easy and Fun English <34>
  • 경남매일
  • 승인 2011.10.17 18:02
  • 댓글 0
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as busy as a bee or busy as a bee

Easy and Fun English

   < 34: Hot Idioms A∼Z >

* as busy as a bee or busy as a bee 매우 바쁜

    adj. very busy

 Don't bother your father, children. He's as busy as a bee.

   애들아, 아버지를 성가시게 하지마라, 아주 바쁘시단 말이야,

* as cool as a cucumber or cool as a cucumber 침착한, 냉정한

   adj. very calm, not agitated or upset

 Everyone else gets nervous before an exam, but not Sumi. She's        always as cool as a cucumber.

     모두가 시험을 앞두고 신경이 초조해 하지만, 수미는 예외다. 그녀는 늘 아주 침착하고 냉정해.

<Words & Useful Expressions>

bother 성가시게 하다. 괴롭히다   cucumber 오이   nervous 초조한, 긴장한

<김덕룡 Green Kim / 김해 연세어학원 원장, e-서포터 대표 www.연세어학원.kr >


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